Media Partner
Invest in Africa
Invest in Africa (IIA) is a not-for-profit organisation with the vision to create prospering African economies.
In partnership with leading companies from across the continent, IIA does three main things:
Connects multinationals and larger businesses to credible local suppliers (SMEs);
Improves these SMEs access to skills, contracts and finance to build long term capacity; and
Helps improve the investment climate and quality of policy discussions in the country.
Who we are
We are a collaboration of private companies, public bodies and donor organisations that support local African businesses by creating access to markets, skills and finance.
Where we work
IIA has offices in the UK, Ghana and Kenya, Senegal and Mauritania with other operations in Zambia and Guinea. The APP was launched in Ghana in late 2014, while the BLP began training with the first group of SMEs in September 2015.
IIA Kenya opened in October 2015 with plans to launch the APP and BLP initiatives later on in 2016.
IIA Senegal opened it’s offices in 2018 with plans to launch the APP and BLP initiatives later in 2020.