Alioune Badar Paye
Deputy Permanent Secretary
EITI National Committee

Papa Alioune Badara Paye is the Deputy Permanent Secretary of Senegal Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative Committee (CN-ITIE) since January 2017. He joined the Senegal EITI Committee as Data Manager in August 2015. The EITI is the global standard for the good governance of oil, gas and mineral resources. When implemented by a country, the EITI ensures transparency and accountability about how a country's natural resources are governed. This ranges from how the rights are issued, to how the resources are monetised, to how they benefit the citizens and the economy.
Prior to that position, Mr Paye gained valuable experiences in mineral industries (gold, phosphates, mineral sands) through various operations in Senegal. He also gained experiences in oil industry at PETROSEN as Engineer in Training. He graduated as Geological Engineer in 2007 from Institut des Sciences de la Terre (IST) of Dakar University.