Tourad Abdel Baghi
General Director
Société Mauritanienne des Hydrocarbures (SMH)

Mr. Tourad ABDEL BAGHI holds a Master's degree in Chemical Engineering from the National School of Engineers of Gabes (ENIG) - Tunisia, in 1991.
In 1992, he joined the "Mauritania Gas Company" (SO MA GAZ) of which he became Director of Operations in 2003.
In 2004, Mr ABDEL BAGHI joined the “Chinguetti Project Group” (GPC), created by the Mauritanian Government on the eve of the commissioning of the Chinguetti oil field.
In 2005, he began studies at Curtin University in Perth, West Australia, culminating in 2006 with a Masters in Petroleum Engineering.
He is among the first group of executives of the "Mauritania Hydrocarbons Company" (SMH) created in November 2005 on the remains of the GPC project and of which he will become "Head of the Reservoir Service and Chinguetti Asset Manager", then Deputy General Manager in March 2008.
In 2014 and thanks to the opening of its missions to Downstream Oil and Mining, SMH was restructured and became the "Mauritania Hydrocarbons and Mining Heritage Company" (SMHPM) of which he was appointed Director of Studies and Development in charge of new projects relating to the Downstream and Mining divisions, in addition to historical missions in Upstream Oil.
Following the promising discoveries that had just been made and thanks to a reorganization of the SMHPM in 2016, Mr ABDEL BAGHI was appointed Director of Upstream Oil to devote himself to this historical pole of the company's missions.